Aminet 28
Aminet 28 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1998].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
92 lines
// search.h header file for search.cpp
/* extensions */
// These values can be modified by the search.par text file.
// The code to read the search.par file is in score.cpp.
int THRESHOLD = 12;
int CHECK_EXT = 12;
int PAWN_EXT = 9;
int RE_CAPT_EXT = 12;
int INIT_EXT = 3;
int MATE_EXT = 12;
int PV_EXT = 0;
// Null move reduction factor
int R = 2;
// Razoring depth
int RAZOR_DEPTH = 2;
position sp[MAXD]; // array of search positions
move_list slist[MAXD+1]; // array of search lists
move pc[MAXD+1][MAXD+1]; // triangular array for search
// principle continuation
int max_ply; // max ply of current search
int start_time; // start time of current search
int limit; // time limit of search
int ponder = 0; // flag for pondering
int last_ponder = 0; // flag for did we ponder last move?
int ponder_time = 0; // record of time used on last pondering
int wbest, wply; // whisper variables for search summary
int nullm, recur; // flags to control null moves
int learned; // has book learning already happened?
int turn; // Current game turn
int fail; // flag for fail-high or fail-low in search
int root_alpha, root_beta; // starting values for alpha and beta
int extend; // counter that keeps track of extensions
int null_hash; // flag from hash table for null move
int dummy1, dummy2; // flags from hash table to limit alpha/beta
move hmove; // move from hash table
move bookm; // move from opening book
move nomove; // no-move move, for initialization
move ponder_move; // move we are pondering
unsigned long history[64][64]; // table for history scores
// These are a collection of counters that keep track of search
// statistics and timing checks.
unsigned long node_count, eval_count, time_count, extensions;
unsigned long phash_count, hash_count, hmove_count, q_count;
unsigned long null_cutoff, internal_iter;
// define how many nodes between time checks.
unsigned long time_check_interval = 12500;
// hash codes for side to move, piece types, stage of game, castling status,
// and en passant rights
extern h_code wtm, btm, hval[13][64], stage_code[4];
extern h_code castle_code[16], ep_code[64];
extern h_code p_list[600]; // list of position hash codes in game so far
// counter to tell the hash table how old the entries are
extern short h_id;
extern int stage; // stage of the game, defined in score.cpp
extern int xboard, post; // xboard flag, posting flag
extern int book, ALLEG, ics; // flags from main.cpp to control the book
// and playing modes
extern int learn_count, learn_bk; // flag to control learning and keep track
// of how many book moves have been played
extern int tsuite, analysis_mode; // flags to determine whether we are in
// analysis mode or a test suite
extern float timeleft; // total time left in the game
ofstream outfile;